What is Folding compact car?

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

I heard about folding compact car.

Is it going to be like a Transformer's car?

For what purpose will it be used?

Best Answer by Recorter Qyut
Answered By 10 points N/A #132434

What is Folding compact car?


Have you ever tried to search for a parking space on many towns but you realized that your car is not fitted in that parking space?

You can avoid that problem if you have the Hirijo Fold Cit Car.

This car is a very light electric car that can be able to fold and can be fitted even on the tightest parking areas.

This will surely help you in getting a perfect parking space anywhere.

And this is said to be out on the market next year.

Folding Car



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #132435

What is Folding compact car?


A folding Compaq car is a vehicle designed to fold up so as it can fit into a small space.

Folding Car

The car, named Hiriko, has 4 motor wheel motors that can each turn 90 degrees.

4 motor wheel motors

It will be used for transportation as usual and will be mass produced by spring 2013, costing around $16500.

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