What is the function of f1 through f12 keys?

F1 to F12 are associated with commands. They perform specific tasks more efficiently. Their functions depend on the software you use.
F1: Windows Help
F2: Rename
F2: WinWord: Move text or graphics.
F2: OpenOffice Writer: Bar formulas
F3: Search for a file.
F3: WinWord: Insert an automatic correction;
F3: OpenOffice Writer: AutoText
F3: totcmd: Viewer file.
Alt+F4: Close an element in progress, close a file. Allows opening multiple documents without closing the program
F4: Repeat the last action;
F4: OpenOffice Writer: Display view data sources
F4: totcmd: File Editor.
F5: Refresh current window of the Explorer
F5: Command (Edit menu);
F5: OpenOffice Writer: Activate / deactivate the browser
F5: totcmd: Copy the file.
F6+Shift: go to the previous
F6: Next Pane;
F6: totcmd: Move the file.
F7: Starts or stops the cursor navigation
F7: Spelling command (Tools menu);
F7: OpenOffice Writer: Spelling Command
F7: totcmd: Create a directory.
F8: Winword: Extend a selection;
F8: OpenOffice Writer: Extend a selection
F8: totcmd: Delete.
F9: Update selected fields;
F9: totcmd: Activate the menu at the top of the active window (left or right).
F10: Activate the menu bar;
F10: totcmd: Enables or disables the Window menu left menu.
F11: Full Screen
F11: OpenOffice Writer: Enable / disable the Styles and Formatting window
F12: Features multi-programmable
F12: Save As command (File menu)
F12: OpenOffice Writer: Turn on dialing
Normally, the F1 up to F12 function keys on your keyboard have different functions depending on the software running. But sometimes they have the same function in the application as with Windows. Here’s a simple explanation citing some applications. In the F1 function key, majority of the programs that use this key is set to display the “Help” window. F2 has variations. In Microsoft Windows, this key is used to rename files. In Adobe Photoshop, this is the shortcut key for “Save As”. In Maxthon web browser, it is used to go to the previous tab.
F3 is used to activate the “Search” window in Microsoft Windows. In Servant Salamander, it is used to view documents and in Maxthon, it is used to go to the next tab. F4 in Microsoft Office Word repeats the last action. In Maxthon it is used to display the history. F5 activates the “Go To” command in Microsoft Office Word while in Adobe Photoshop, it activates the brush presets. The rest of the function keys are the same as described above. Their individual function differs on each software you use.
Well explained guys, and thanks to everyone for your motivating comments. Your recommendations were as reliable as easily usable to me. I have a little knowledge about the keyboard function keys but by analyzing your comments now I have gathered a huge knowledge about the keyboard keys which were not conceivable to me previously. You gave complete detail about the functions of F12 key and also how to manage this key. For the time being by materializing this knowledge now I am feeling comfortable. Thanks guys for your phenomenal comment which were very compatible for me as a new learner too.