What is gentoo linux doing to secure its users?

Gentoo Linux has been faced with "multiple vulnerabilities" and "insecure" file usage. What is gentoo linux doing to address these problems?

Gentoo Linux has been faced with "multiple vulnerabilities" and "insecure" file usage. What is gentoo linux doing to address these problems?
By using Kirchhoff’s laws, mesh-current analysis, nodal analysis or the superposition theorem, currents and voltages in many networks can be determined. Also, these latter theorems are especially useful when only the current in a particular branch of a complicated network is required. Delta-star and star-delta transformations may be applied in certain types of circuit to simplify them before application of circuit theorems. Hope you like this situation when you get attracted towards the things, things will go disaster in all the situations and you will find it really good to see such things and all data. Thanks for your co-operation.