What is Google Adsense? How does it work?

What is Google AdSense? How does it work?
Hello experts will you please provide me detail information about Google AdSense.Â

What is Google AdSense? How does it work?
Hello experts will you please provide me detail information about Google AdSense.Â
Dear Dave Tuttle,
Google AdSense is a free program created by giant Google Inc. for online publishers to earn revenue through Google by displaying their ads on the internet. This also includes sometimes spreading of Google software like Google toolbar and earning some cash. Through AdSense you can also add a custom search engine to your site and the advertisement on the resulted page will also make you earn.
Joining Google as mentioned before and you start right away if you have a website. Just sign in with your Google account and create an add box. Just paste the source code of the box into your website page according to Google AdSense instructions and you can start earning through this.
Hi Dave Tuttle,
Thanks for your interest in Google AdSense and I appreciate it.
First, we will identify if "what is Google AdSense?". Google AdSense is an advertising program in which it allows publishers or anyone wanting to put ads on there website by inserting a small caption of HTML into there sites. The ads will appear relevant and in the content of the site.
Second, "can you make money out of it", the answer is a big yes many bloggers or webmasters start making through this advertising program.
Third, "how does it work?', basically when you advertise and someone clicks on that image with back-links it will be tracked and increased your earnings.Â
Lastly, "how does it pay?" the minimum cash out is $100 when you reach that threshold then you can get request for payment.
It is not that easy to earn money because you must do double effort to also increase the traffics of your site so that many will visit your site.
I hope this will help you.