What is icloud can anyone explain?

Hi Experts…
What is icloud can anyone explain?
I am very much eager to know about iCLOUD
Please give me as much information possible.
lame man explanation about iCLOUD

Hi Experts…
What is icloud can anyone explain?
I am very much eager to know about iCLOUD
Please give me as much information possible.
lame man explanation about iCLOUD
Hello Isaac,
             iCloud is apple's platform for syncing your music, videos, documents and contacts across apple devices. Assume you have an iPod, iPhone, MacBook and an iPad. You want to make a presentation on your iPhone and want to access and edit it on your MacBook. iCloud syncs that presentation to all your devices using your WiFi. It automatically distributes the presentation on your iPhone to your iPod, MacBook and iPad, so that you can access it anywhere. It's just like using a Google Document with collaborators. As soon as you create it, everyone can edit and access it. You can see a live demonstration of how it is used on this YouTube video
I hope this answers your question.
iCloud is Apple Inc.’s own cloud computing and cloud storage service which was launched in October 12, 2011. As of July of this year, the iCloud service has already accumulated around 320 million users. iCloud lets users upload files like iOS apps and music files to make it available for download on their other devices like Mac, Microsoft Windows, and iOS devices.
For Microsoft Windows, it should be running on Windows Vista Service Pack 2 and higher. For Mac PC, it should be running on Mac OS X 10.7.2 Lion and higher. For iOS devices, it should be on iOS 5 and higher. It also allows you to backup your iOS device wirelessly instead of running the whole thing manually via iTunes.
iCloud also replaces Apple’s previous service MobileMe and it was already announced that beyond June 30, 2012 the MobileMe service will be retired. Unfortunately because of this action made by Apple to the MobileMe service, a lawsuit was filed by customers in early May 2012 who are unhappy about the transition from MobileMe into iCloud.