What is the Input Text Box for Web Page Design Purpose?

What is the Input Text box? How does it work? Where does it use? Please tell me about details. Is Input Text box important to web page?

What is the Input Text box? How does it work? Where does it use? Please tell me about details. Is Input Text box important to web page?
Hello Michele r,
Input text box is important for making web site. By this system web site owner get information from the users. Input text box is where user can input his text data in the box. Input text box tag is <input>. Input text box has attribute that is type and to be selected is text. Thanks.
Hello Michele r,
Input text is very much important to get data from the users of the website. Mainly it is used in those sites where have the login page, registration page and others purpose. Here is an example of input text box.
This is the structure or sample of input text box.