What is Internet Protocol Version 6 ?

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What is Internet Protocol Version 6 ? What is the difference between IPv4 & Ipv6 and what its benefits?

Best Answer by Miah Ong
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Answered By 5 points N/A #138902

What is Internet Protocol Version 6 ?


IPv6 is an internet protocol version which is a successor of IPv4. It is a communication protocol used to direct most of the internet traffic. It allows the internet to support more devices by increasing the number of possible addresses
Using the internet, the data is transferred between hosts in packets. These packets have been addressing schemes like IPv4 or IPv6, to specify their source and destination. The host computer or other device on the internet have an address assigned to them for communication. With IPv4, 32 bit IP address was used, with which 2^32(4294967296) addresses were possible to be addressed. Now the latest IPv6 uses  128 bit addressing allowing 2^128 devices to be addressed. Hence more devices and users can be accommodated and addressing will be more flexible and efficient for routing.
Now, comparing Ipv4 and Ipv6..
Ipv6 has larger address space 128 bit compared to IPv4, which allows only 32 bits, allowing more devices to be connected.
Packets can be transmitted to multiple destination in a single send operation. Although this is a feature commonly used with the IPv4, IPv6 implements this by eliminating the need for some protocols.
There are many more benefits. Please visit the following page for more information

Answered By 0 points N/A #138903

What is Internet Protocol Version 6 ?


Internet protocol version 6 is the 6th modification among other internet protocol and its also the descendant of internet protocol version 4. IPv6 has also been a latest version of the Internet address protocol that has been created to replace IPv4.

The difference between IPv4 and IPv6 is that they differ on address size, address format, and number of addresses. IPv6 utilize until 128 bit number while IPv4 32 bit in number only. And for their address format IPv6 is in hexadecimal notation like 2001:500:1:80 whereas IPv4 is in dotted notation look like this For their number of addresses IPv6 can hold until 16 billion addresses while IPv4 is only 4 billion addresses. For more simplicity sees Image below,

difference between IPv4 and IPv6

And this is the benefit of IPV6, This addressing capability will allow trillions of new internet addresses needed to support connectivity for a vast range of devices such as different kind of gadgets, and even transportation vehicles and it contain enormous quantities of IP address space.

Answered By 0 points N/A #138904

What is Internet Protocol Version 6 ?


Microsoft supports industry- standard technologies including the new  standard protocol for the internet , Internet protocol version 6, Which is the next step beyond Ipv4, The current standard protocol for the internet . These protocols provide IP addresses the "phone numbers on the internet that are responsible for identifying computers and devices so that they can communicate.

Ipv6 or Internet Protocol version 6 has many different advantages over the older version 4.

The old version was a great design, but the newer version offers features that allow it to keep up with the speed of the Internet and the millions of users.

One of the main advantages is that of security. There are more encryption and authentication options in Ipv6. These ensure that networks are overall much more secure and could not be accessed illegally or compromised.

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