What is an IP address and when it is using?

IP addresses are the identification for a particular computer or any other equipment which connected to the internet or network. This has two versions now. Those are
IPV 4 addresses
IPV 6 addresses
Using IPV 4 addresses we can have 232 combinations of addresses. But the amounts of computers are increasing rapidly. So the amount of addresses that can create by using IPV 4 will be not enough in very near future.
That is why the world is going use the new version of the IP addresses called IPV 6. These addresses have 248 combinations of addresses. This amount will be enough for several centuries for the world.
Hi Edward001,
Internet Protocol (IP) is a set of rules that allow communication between devices interconnected over a network.
They allow one to locate and differentiate digital devices too on the internet.
When setting up internet connectivity we need the Ip addresses for the computer to be able to find different devices and differentiate them. This also happens when you want to send emails. The remote computer that will receive that email will need the IP address of your computer to communicate. Take it for example like the address to your house- a visitor might need it to locate your home if giving directions
Hope the illustrations are useful 🙂
Hi Edward001,
An IP address is a identifier of computer or any other devise on TCP/IP network.
Network using TCP/IP protocol route message based on IP address of the destination.
The format for IP address is 32-bit numeric digits written as four numbers separated by period.
The number can be from zero to 255.
In an isolated net work you can give computers different IP address as long as they are unique.
When connecting a private net work to internet one need to have registered IP address called internet address
so as to avoid duplicate.
The numbers(IP) are used in different ways to identify particular net work
Thank you