What Is A Wer File Windows 7
I was browsing through my computer when I found a rather strange set of files with the wer extension. I have never seen files with this extension before. Can you tell me what is a wer file?
I was browsing through my computer when I found a rather strange set of files with the wer extension. I have never seen files with this extension before. Can you tell me what is a wer file?
WER stands for Windows Error Reporting. I think that I have made this pretty obvious now. This file standard was developed by Microsoft specifically for error reporting.
The WER files record error reports and software crash reports which help users report problems to Microsoft even easier. WER is a part of Microsoft Winqual Services which is responsible for quality control for software and hardware vendors. Unfortunately, this is all the information that is available about these files. All other information other than their purpose is not openly available for obvious reasons.