What Is Load Perf, And What Type Of File Is It?

What is load perf, and what are the various errors related to it? What are the steps to solve load perf error?

What is load perf, and what are the various errors related to it? What are the steps to solve load perf error?
Load per is a type of MUI file; it is known as loadperf.dll.mul. MUI files are known as the multilingual user interface. Such kind of data is usually translation files that can support different languages. If your windows system cannot accurately load this MUI file, then you might get errors such as loadperf.dll.mui is missing or not found. There are some traditional steps to fix this error, such as:
The “loadperf” you see on your Event Viewer or the “loadperf.dll” file is the Load Performance. If you have a problem with Load Performance like some counters may be missing or don’t have any counter data, it is possible that the base set of performance counter libraries is corrupted and needs to be rebuilt.
To rebuild the base performance counter libraries manually, you need to expand the files “Perfc009.dat” and “Perfh009.dat” which are located on the Windows setup DVD. Insert the Windows setup CD or DVD on your optical drive. Next, press the Windows key + R to bring up the “Run” dialog then type without quotes “cmd” then hit Enter.
In the command prompt window, type the following commands then hit Enter after each command:
expand DriveLetter:\i386\perfc009.da_ -r c:\Windows\System32
expand DriveLetter:\i386\perfh009.da_ -r c:\Windows\System32
Replace without quotes “DriveLetter” with the drive letter of your CD or DVD drive. After this, in the command prompt window, type without quotes “regedit” then hit Enter. In the “Registry Editor” window, navigate to this location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib
On the right, double-click “Last Counter”. Select “Decimal” then change the value to without quotes “1846” then click “OK”. Next, double-click “Last Help”. Select “Decimal” then change the value to without quotes “1847” then click “OK”. After this, navigate to this location in the registry:
Remove the following values from the “Performance” subkey if they exist:
When you are finished, exit the Registry Editor then restart the computer.