What Is The Cloud Server And What Does It Mean

The virtual private server or virtual server or cloud server is a very new concept for past few years. So, what is the cloud server?

The virtual private server or virtual server or cloud server is a very new concept for past few years. So, what is the cloud server?
By definition, a cloud server is primarily a logical server over the internet. It hosts and delivers through server virtualization platform. Need to know more for the query, what is the cloud server? It also possesses and exhibits all the similar functions and capabilities as a usual server and also access remotely from a provider.
By two modes or ways as physical and logical means the whole model works between two or more servers. Even though they are two different ways, each server has separate user interface, OS, and applications; they share a lot of similar stuff. In common, the physical server is the most dedicated well-known server that uses without sharing or distributing services.