I am a non-technical person and I heard a few days back about the various generations of computers from 1st to 5th generation. I would like to know a few details about the fifth generation of computers.
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What is the importance of the fifth generation of computers?
The fifth generation of computers is the most recent generation of the computers being developed. It has several improvements such as Artificial Intelligence. The computers have advanced features such as speech recognition.
It also comes with different sensors which can respond appropriately to the surroundings. More advancement is being added regularly as time goes by.
What is the importance of the fifth generation of computers?
Fifth generation computers refer to Japan’s “Fifth Generation Project” in computer technology. It was an attempt to advance over western computer expertise and construct an entirely new computer technology. The FGCS or Fifth Generation Computer Systems both present and the future was an initiative by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan which started back in 1982.
Its objective is to build a computer by means of a massively parallel processing or computing that can respond to natural language input and capable of learning and self-organization. The project is based on artificial intelligence or A.I. The project will be using nanotechnology and quantum computation and molecular. After 10 years, the project was terminated without meeting its goals and spent around $400 million.