What Is The Nested IF Formula In Excel For Microsoft?
I have started to use Windows laptops. Earlier I used to use Apple laptops. How do I use the nested IF formula in Excel to process spreadsheets?
I have started to use Windows laptops. Earlier I used to use Apple laptops. How do I use the nested IF formula in Excel to process spreadsheets?
I have started to use Windows laptops. Earlier I used to use Apple laptops. How do I use the nested IF formula in Excel to process spreadsheets?
Answer: You can use up to 7 IF statements in a nested manner in Microsoft Excel. Also, if you have Excel 16 you can use the new IFS statement instead of the nested IF.
1. The syntax for using an IF statement is given below. IF( condition1, true_case1, IF( condition2, true_case2, false_case2 ))
2. This corresponds to an imperative syntax as follows. IF(argument 1){true case1} ESLEIF(argument 2){true case 2} ELSE{false case}