What is the use of the Windows 2008 shutdown command?

I had been learning Windows server 2008. I need help to know the use of the Windows 2008 shutdown command. Please help me out. Thanks in advance.

I had been learning Windows server 2008. I need help to know the use of the Windows 2008 shutdown command. Please help me out. Thanks in advance.
The Windows 2008 shutdown command is used to shut down or restart the Windows server 2008 using the command line. It is a built-in feature and found in many other versions of Windows, such as Windows 7, Windows Vista, and more.
To shut down the core system of Windows server 2008, open command prompt and type – “Shutdown -s -t xx”
To shut down the core system of Windows server 2008, open command prompt and type – “Shutdown -r -t xx”
-s stands for the shutdown.
-r stands for reboot/ restart.
-t xx stands for the time to wait before shutdown or restart in seconds.