What is keygen korg m1 forum do?

While surfing on the internet I saw some keygen korg m1 forums. And I am just a newbie in the internet surfing industry. I would just like to know if what is a forum do. Is it for technical support only?

While surfing on the internet I saw some keygen korg m1 forums. And I am just a newbie in the internet surfing industry. I would just like to know if what is a forum do. Is it for technical support only?
The online forum is a good place to share information and it is used by lots of different users depending on what information they look at the site. A lot of users go to a forum to find information that can help them solve their problem, it can be problematic in programming, online gaming, computer troubleshooting, general knowledge, downloading the program, maybe to get program illegally, or maybe to manipulate the software and use keygen to register software that has have trial period.
An internet forum definition from Wikipedia can be found here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_forum , the internet forum definition is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posting messages.
Comparing forum with chat site or chat rooms, it is really different because the messages posted in forum is archived, while the messages from chat site or rooms not archived and must be backed up manually. When using the forum, there will be terminology or language jargon that is used depending what theme the forum is. In the forum there are threads and that is created for each topic discussed.
Good luck
Forum is a social media platform to exchange the view within different kinds of expert. In a forum there are different things or issue to discuss. Keygen korg m1 forum is a product base forum which discuss its entire product.