What kind of repair is needed for a full load GPU online?

Hi there! In mortal online game, my GPU will only load 60 to 70 percent. I want to know if there is some sort of repair to have a full load GPU online. Thank you!

Hi there! In mortal online game, my GPU will only load 60 to 70 percent. I want to know if there is some sort of repair to have a full load GPU online. Thank you!
Hi Trevor,
 Your GPU load seems normal. Maybe you have a powerful GPU in your computer and it even doesn't need to utilize it fully to display decent frame rate.
 You need to tell me if your game is stuttering, lagging. If it does and your gaming experience is poor, you need to update your GPU drivers to the newest version possible for your graphic card. Even so, GPU load around 60% or 70% seems normal. Older games don't need so much GPU power anyway. Furthermore, the game can even have some sort of bug which prevents GPU to be fully utilized. Don't worry about it.
 I hope I cleared your doubts about this.