Hi to everyone,
What is the latest feature of adobe flash plugin 102? I want to know about compatibility error while using Mozilla Firefox browser while installing the adobe flash plugin 102. I got that error during the installation and I need to resolve this problem as soon as possible.
Thank you.
What is the latest feature of Adobe flash Plugin 102?
Regarding to your Problem there certain possibilities that occur the problem. First Check Current flash player installed in your PC if you have latest version installed older versions will not be installed.
Then check Mozilla Version there is a rumor that some flash player do not support certain browser version. You can change mozilla version to check that the Flash Player installs or not.
I am giving you these links to know more:
What is the latest feature of Adobe flash Plugin 102?
Hi Jeffrey,
It is possible that there were permission issues regarding other Flash Player files.
You can try this link to show you how to deal with Flash player permission issues.
This is the other link will have a documentation on how to resolve installation issues.
However, if you keep on getting issues with Flash player in Mozilla you can switch to Google Chrome this has Flash Player built in on it, it can automatically update Flash Player for you without any issues.
Every time an add on is updated say Flash Player it promises to fix any issues the previous issue has, but most of the time it may even cause more issues.