What is the main Problem in Cloud Computing?

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Cloud computing are popular in recent years & its popularity increasing day by day. Most of the biggest companies investmenting million of dollar on Cloud computing. Can anyone tell me what the main Problem in Cloud Computing & how can resolve it?

Best Answer by Ben.Walker36
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Answered By 0 points N/A #81163

What is the main Problem in Cloud Computing?


There are six main problems you will be facing in Cloud Computing:

1. Security – All data is present and you have no control over it, so data loss is always at stake.

2. Dependency – It needs a Cloud Service Provider but every provider has its own setbacks

3. Cost – There are hidden cost that the provider won't tell you eg.(Recovery, Backup, Restore). And risk of higher cost in the future.

4. Decreased Flexibility – There is no available customization, and innovation is dictated by the Cloud Service Provider.

5. Knowledge – Deeper understanding with Cloud Computing is a must because the Cloud Service Provider keeps it to themselves.

6. Integration – Integration with other devices is hard to achieve.


1. Have knowledge with the risk involve in Cloud Computing.

2. There will be significant changes needed in the business so you must know what are these.

3. The CSP won't give you everything so its much better to ask everything about them. It is important to know you Cloud Service Provider and technology they are using.

4. There should be an exit procedure when Cloud Computing Fails.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #81164

What is the main Problem in Cloud Computing?


Cloud computing really is getting famous because of it's reliability, functionality and usage. You can store data, files and documents into iCloud servers and accessible anytime you want. A safe way to use the service and might save you more money. Instead of buying expensive computer hard drive, why not use cloud computing?

The biggest fear is, Security, flexibility, price, education, integration and if it has a back-up file if cloud server is compromised. However, iCloud is tested and it is proven to be secured at this stage. Their Information Technology department does their job of security the iCloud server. They maintain the application with the right tools they've got. Secure the server and must have up to date and real time stability.


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