What is the meaning of this Microsoft Word error message

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

While I was working on Microsoft Word under Windows 7, suddenly it showed me the error message like the screenshot and stopped working. What may be the reason?

Windows can check online for a solution to the problem


Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word has stopped working

Windows can check online for a solution to the problem

Check online for a solution and close the program

Close the program

Best Answer by Fraserr Dawn
Answered By 0 points N/A #171002

What is the meaning of this Microsoft Word error message




                I already encountered that kind of problem; it appears not only in Microsoft Word but also in different applications. Sometimes the applications hangs, wait for it if it can still go back to normal, if not just close the program and then open a new MS Word doc and look for the Auto saved document to get your file where it was last saved. Also click the View problem details button to know what happen or error encountered.

Hope it helps.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #171003

What is the meaning of this Microsoft Word error message


Hello David,

The error message you attached appears when you try to copy any piece of word document or sometimes editing the document. Are you receiving the error while doing the same work or every time you receive this error? You may try the following solutions to fix the problem.

1. Using Word Repair software fix the document which shows the error message. You can try this by visiting the following link: Microsoft Repair Link

2. Check your document version, if it's an old version please convert the document to the version you have installed in your computer and try opening again.

3. If everything fails use the troubleshoot to fix the error.


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