Asked By
50 points
Posted on - 04/21/2011
Please anybody, can you help me  understand in an easy way, what is In-Vehicle Networking ?
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0 points
What is the meaning of In-Vehicle Networking
Yes, first of all, let me clear the concept of networking.
Basically networking is some how an interconnection of two or more electronic devices or you can say when two or more devices are connected to each other, they form a network. Â Let me give you an example; when you call somebody from your cell phone, a connection is created between the other cell phone and your cell phone and this is collectively called network. Computers, laptops, mobile etc. are the devices when connected form a network.
Similarly, when we create a connection between vehicles (electronic devices are embedded in such type of vehicles) and some other electronic devices (such as computer servers), this is known as In-Vehicle networking.
Automobile companies are using In-Vehicle networking concepts. Today, Â vehicles contain thousands of electronic circuits, sensors, transmitters and many other electrical parts. Communication is essential between these components for the super advance working of a vehicle. This helps in tracking the vehicle location very easily.
Standardized protocols are defined to maintain communication between various components of the vehicle, for its proper functioning.
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50 points
What is the meaning of In-Vehicle Networking
OK but how are vehicles located in this way?
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0 points
What is the meaning of In-Vehicle Networking
Modern vehicles tracking system use, GPS (Global Positioning System) technology to locate the vehicle.
Answered By
50 points
What is the meaning of In-Vehicle Networking
OK. Â I am familiar about GPS system.
Thanks a lot for explaining me this concept in a very easy way.