What is Media Player classic sdk and it’s use

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Techyv users,

I am using vlc player for a long time to manage my audio and video files on windows XP. Recently while surfing the web I came across the term media player classic sdk. I had to Google it to find out more about it, but I can't understand anything from the web. Please define the term media player classic sdk, what is the use of it and how to use it.

Answered By 10 points N/A #162881

What is Media Player classic sdk and it’s use

Hi Kurt Baclig,
The SDK is an acronym for Software Development Kit, sometimes also called as devkit. It's a package to enable programmers or developers to develop applications for a specific platform like the media player classic. Usually Software Development Kit's include programming tools, documentation and Application programming interface. Some may also include technical notes and sample codes. Common tools may be included for debugging. It is also used as a form of a marketing tool.
Hope you'll understand what sdk is.


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