What Is Memory Crash Dump?

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

I don't know what has gone wrong with my PC. T'was working fine last night but today morning, I turned it on, opened Office 2007 and got the memory crash dump. What's the meaning of memory crash dump? I get a blue screen after the crash dump. What to do for fixing crash dump error?

Answered By 0 points N/A #180913

What Is Memory Crash Dump?


Hello John!

Memory Crash Dump is actually a result of a bad symptom in your computer or laptop. The crash dump information are critical and very important not just for us but also for software developers. This must be reported right away so we contribute in the ongoing problems existing between software and hardware. There are several ways that we can resolve this issue. Restart is the easiest way, we cannot be sure and it might happen again. One of the major cause also of this crash dump is an OS problem. So reinstalling your software will fix this problem. Programming errors is also the main factor of this problem. Running system check will be the best way to cure this. Improper hardware configuration. So better to update hardware regularly as necessary. Updating the hardware will bridge-in the gaps and provide you fixes with your devices. Corrupt memory. Upon reinstalling your OS will fix this also. If not, better to look for replacement for your memory.

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