What might be wrong with my Pc’s keyboard?

My Compaq presario Pc is new but when I change my caps lock to capital letters when typing, the words still appear in small letters. What might be the problem with my Pcs keyboard?
is it infected?

My Compaq presario Pc is new but when I change my caps lock to capital letters when typing, the words still appear in small letters. What might be the problem with my Pcs keyboard?
is it infected?
Try to navigate on your Function keys or your utility keys located on the lower left or lower right of your keyboard. You might have accidentally pushed a key that have activated features of your keyboard. Or is your caps lock function working?
Sticky keys can happen if keyboards are not cleaned regularly from dust…
Dust can be culprits of key malfunctions.
Genebraldo Regio. Hi Almost it will be a Hardware malfunction. (Check your control panel before check hardware). That's Because of short circuit or dust. Try to clean it and check it using by Keyboard testing tools on Internet. Be careful while repairing keyboard. It’s a sensitive electronic item.
In computer, there are two ways to make or type capital letters with your keyboard. First, is using the Caps Lock key. When this key is activated, your keyboard’s casing is locked to capital letters. Anything you type or any letter you press will be in capital letter or upper case.
When you press on the Caps Lock key, the Caps Lock LED located on the upper right corner of the keyboard should light up or turn on to indicate that capitalization is turned ON. If you don’t see the LED indicator turn on, press the Caps Lock key again. If the LED won’t turn on, that means there is a problem with your keyboard.
Second option is the SHIFT key. If your Caps Lock key fails to activate, a workaround is to use the SHIFT key while pressing on the letters. This will change the case of the letter as you type from small letter to capital letter.
If your Caps Lock key is broken, you don’t need to replace your keyboard because you have two SHIFT keys to use to change the case of the letters.