What needs to be done to improve the capability of Bluetooth encryption

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -
What is the prevention against falling prey to hack attacks when working with mobile devices via Bluetooth? Which Mobile devices and original equipment manufacturers offer increased protection with regard to Bluetooth encryption? What is the role that Google can play to improve the security in such communication with respect to mobile devices?


Answered By 0 points N/A #200227

What needs to be done to improve the capability of Bluetooth encryption


Bluetooth security can be provided in mobile devices by encrypting the channel established between the to device. This can be possible through authentication of by pin or passwords. The Bluetooth user should change his/her default settings to standard security levels. The Bluetooth range should be set to lowest range so that it can usable only that particular range.  The mobile devices which meets the high standard security standards will obviously are encrypted well while designing. The role of Google is to keep different password for different files  which have been downloaded from their search engine so that only the authorized people can get access to encrypted files.

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