Techyv Members:
What is Nektra? Does it has something to do with Repair Registry that checks my registry for error as it generates a report every time the entry is deleted and yet Nektra is an empty folder. Is it true that Nektra is associated with the program SpyStudio and Firefox. Does it help speed up the research process to which user-mode functions we need to hook to fit the requirements we need for our projects? Is Nektra a software designed for any solutions to prevent AV warnings in our software. My mind shouts what is Nektra? Please clear up my mind around this. Thank you very much indeed.
What is Nektra all about?
Hi Cooper,
It is an independent company that focused on the assessment and development of new and advanced technology solutions. One of the products of Nektra is SpyStudio wherein this application tracer shows and interprets calls that displays results into more structured way and easy to understand. SpyStudio also track down errors and has malware detection feature. It has unregistered and registered version both supports 32-bit and 64-bit environments. Therefore Nektra software is designed to designed for any solutions to prevent AV warnings. Yes, it is true that Nektra is associated with SpyStudio and Firefox because of some of their products created applied to both items. Nektra also creates products that assist companies on finding solutions thus reducing the cost of products delivery. Some of their products include:
SpyStudio API monitor – Allows user to break the OS's code execution.
CookiePie Firefox Extension – Allows the user to maintain different cookies storage.
Nektra Panorama – Allows the developer to create applications in Windows Mobile due to its complete set of native controls.
Hope this helps you in your inquiry.