I have heard about a new search feature from Google that let's it search your email to cross reference the web for an answer.
I'm i mistaken or is this correct.
Why can't i find it on Google if it does exist.
What is this new search feature from Google
Hello Tiffany,
The new Google search feature allows Gmail users to see the relevant e-mails in their mailbox alongside regular search results on Google.com.
This feature is referred to Google as the Gmail in personal search results and it is now available in a field trial for users who have opened accounts on the Google's search experiment site. Google claims that it won't be able to accommodate everyone though, but you just try signing up and see if you can activate the feature.
Note that this does not mean that Google searches your Gmail account every time you run a Web search. What happens is that it just offers to show your Gmail mailbox results for certain types of queries that include the band names as well as locations.