I know about open source live video chat. But what is the open source video live chart? What is the difference between the two things I mentioned? For what purpose is it used? Please, tell me in details as I can realize it easily.
What is the open source video live chart?
Hi Branndy Davis,
Open source means computer software or web application source code which is freely available for all.
Open source video chat means video chat software or web application code which is available for all. Here are some examples: http://www.red5chat.com/ or https://code.google.com/archive/p/video-chat. Here you can get source code for video chat for the Red5 server.
The chart is helpful to analyze or sort data easily. The video chart is used to coordinate displays, and to manage or analyze screens in one platform. For instance, this page shows video statistics in a chart, and this page shows video views examples or video engagement examples.
Mathias Qaut