I am a student. My programming class teacher gave us an assignment on PHP timeline chart library.
I searched in Google about PHP timeline charts library. I found HTML chart library.
I didn't find any tropic about PHP timeline charts library.
Please help me anyone..
What is php timeline charts library Please help ?
Dear user,
PHP is basically a server script language, and it is used to create/design web pages.
A PHP timeline chart library includes bar charts, line charts, and pie charts which are highly used.
The PHP timeline library supports all kinds of charts including multiple series of data, overlapping series of data, etc,
Also helps in scrolling of your data.
Hope the above information will help you.
Thank you.
What is php timeline charts library Please help ?
Your teacher might intended to tell you that you can use any PHP charts library and do the assignment because I didn’t even found a class library with the specific name “PHP timeline charts library”.
I think you should clarify this with your teacher whether there is any specific library that you should use or any library that supports graphs and charts because there are many libraries available with those features most of them are commercial products, but still there are some free libraries. Even though you have found a library you need to study it before start working and it will require some time to spend with it.
Even the Google Chart API would give you every good feature to complete your assignment.
Check out the forum posts and chart samples in below links.
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