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Posted on - 08/21/2012
The UNSETUP for AntiVir error message I got while uninstalling Avira Free Antivirus tells me “Unsetup was not able to delete all components. Please close all programs. ” What prevents me from completely removing Avira?

avscan.exe – error de aplicacao
A excepcao unknown software exception (0xc0000490) ocorreu na
aplicacao na localizacao 0x0042ff93.
Clique em OK para terminar o programa
I attached a screenshot of the error message on my PC as well as another one in English.
What prevents me from completely removing Avira?
Hi Healy,
I am trying to solve the problem. And I think it is not going to be any great problem at all. Anyway, problem is problem. And until a problem is solved, it is always complex.
It is Avira 0xc000049 error.
To get rid of the problem, please completely remove uninstall Intel Turbo Memory you may installed on your PC; then try to upgrade Intel Matrix Storage Manager you had.
I think your problem has been solved.
What prevents me from completely removing Avira?
Hello Damon,
It could be possible that the security center on your computer is reporting erroneously that the Avira antivirus has been installed, and as a result causing the issue that you are getting right now. You will therefore need to try and disable the windows security center and see if that will resolve the issue.
To disable windows security, use the following procedure:
On your computer, go to the control panel and then click on administrative tools and services.
After that change the settings of the security center service from automatic to disabled.
After that you will need to restart the computer, and then the security will be disabled.