What Procedure Used To Resolve The 0x80070141 Error?
Hello. I am getting the 0x80070141 error while trying to connect my PC to my mobile phone; It keeps on showing the devices not reachable error. Please help me out. Thank you.
Hello. I am getting the 0x80070141 error while trying to connect my PC to my mobile phone; It keeps on showing the devices not reachable error. Please help me out. Thank you.
Hey guys, The error 0x80070141 is caused due to the wrong USB port, file explorer glitch, or large file name. Try the below-mentioned steps to fix it.
• First, disconnect your Mobile from the PC.
• On your mobile phone, go to settings.
• Navigate to photos and open it and scroll down.
• Change the settings to keep originals from automatic, below transfer to mac or PC option.
Note: You have to change it to keep originals because if they are in Automatically, then you have a check for compatibility and transfer them.