What programming language use to make elevator circuits simulation?

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


What programming language is used to make elevator circuit simulation? I was given a related project like this and was told to choose the best programming language where I am comfortable to deal to but I am confused on what is the best programming language to use. Can you give me some advice on this?


Answered By 10 points N/A #180479

What programming language use to make elevator circuits simulation?


Hi Danield,

You can use C or C++ for this because mostly C, C++ is used for building circuits. If you are not comfortable with these then you can go for Java or C#. In C# you can easily work with the Digital image processing by using emguCv which is a C# rapper of opencv used for image processing in C++. I hope this information will help you.

Thank you.

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