Hi guys. I'm trying to get Sketchup to connect to 3D WareHouse via Wine but it keeps on ignoring network settings and goes directly to the internet. What is the proxy setting for Google Sketchup 8? I'm on Windows XP 64 bit SP2. Thanks.
What is the proxy setting for Google Sketchup 8?
Number of users are complaint about this issue on sketchup, To remove this issue i would advice you to download Sketch pro7 for windows operating system, Sketchup pro is a feature pack application, It included sketchup pro 8 layout 3 style builder and many other features as well, Now I am sending you a link from where you can download a trial version,
What is the proxy setting for Google Sketchup 8?
Hi Ross P Klein,
Please follow below steps to setup proxy for Google Sketchup 8.
Note that below configuration settings refer to Internet Explorer browser.
Internet Explorer
Internet Options
LAN Settings
Turn ON "Automatically detect" option and disable all other checked boxes including ports and Proxy.
In case there is not any Auto proxy, try to set proxy as Normal manually.
Output should be as per below image: