What is the purpose of Tweaking tools?

What are Tweaking Tools? Highlight the various features of Tweaking Tools. List some common and famous Tweaking Tools as well.

What are Tweaking Tools? Highlight the various features of Tweaking Tools. List some common and famous Tweaking Tools as well.
Tweaking Tools:
The term refers to utilities and applications used to improve program performance. The process of tweaking can be done manually or through other programs. Some operating systems like Windows allows falsification and practice, while others like Mac prohibit them. Some programs require tweaking from time to time so that they remain current and efficient.
There are many Tweaking Tools available for different operating systems such as Windows 7. For Windows 7, the most famous Tweaking Tools are Enhance my Se7en, Ultimate Windows Tweaker, SMART(Service Management And RealEasy Tweaking), Giga Tweaker, 7Tweak, Xdn Tweaker, Windows 7 Little Tweaker and tweaknow powerpack.
The question is very simple, but with very long explanation.
However, I will try to summarize the reply to the shortest possible way, which will explain the concept.
Whenever, a machine (PC or Server) is installed with an operating system, there are many settings which are automatically configured to their default values. These values are provided keeping in view the GENERAL requirements of the users, and may NOT be required to be used by the home users, or corporate users, one way or the other.
Furthermore, after its initial startup, many of the items are been accumulated in the hard disk of the system – like, temporary files, which are the result of any document created and closed, will sometime leave a residue of this document on the temporary folder, and so on. In due course of time, this becomes a clutter on the hard disk, which may slow down the system
Again, there are some default services which are started at the time of installation of any program, BUT may not be required by the average user, and also sometimes people have old network printers still configured, or links to network shares that do not exist…these really slow down your LAN performance.
Keeping in view some of the above factors, there are also methods which may tweak some other setting to bring out best performances from software or hardware like: tweaks appearance settings – tweaks start menu settings – tweaks hardware settings – tweaks CD & DVD speed settings – tweaks HD speed settings – tweaks modem speeds for faster connections and downloads – tweaks network settings – tweaks software settings – tweaks internet explorer settings – tweaks outlook settings – tweaks performance and system settings – tweaks cache settings – tweaks shutdown problems – tweaks security settings – tweaks for covering up your tracks – tweaks for defragmenting your memory – tweaks for startup settings.
The above tweaks can be done manually, but that requires expertise in the users. OR they may be done by using different utilities. It is prudent to say that there is NO utility which will perform ALL TWEAKS required in ONE system.
These utilities are categorized broadly in SYSTEM TWEAKS, NETWORK TWEAKS, PROGRAM TWEAKS, and REGISTRY TWEAKS.
To name some of them:
CCCLEANER; from: http://www.filehippo.com
TweakNow PowerPack 2011 v3.4.1from:http://www.freewarefiles.com/TweakNow-powerPack_program_49457.html
SysInternals Suite 09.01.11 From: http://www.freewarefiles.com/Sysinternals-Suite_program_37718.html
I suggest search the url: https://www.freewarefiles.com/category_9_208.html OR Google, “ windows tweaking tools”
tweaking tools is the tools that
you can hide you personal data
or personal files on your computer ate safe by using this kind of software
tweaking tools are use to make your system files safe
The first is Microsoft Tweak UI which is a part of the MS Powertoys.
Make sure you install the latest version (v2.0) and not an earlier one.
If you have an older version of TweakUI installed, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel to uninstall it now. This includes the older version of TweakUI previously available as part of the single "Powertoys for Windows XP" package.