What is this RailsInstaller used?
I want to know what is Rails Installer ? What for it is used ? Is this tool available for windows or linux ? which all linux distributions will support this tool if it is available for linux
I want to know what is Rails Installer ? What for it is used ? Is this tool available for windows or linux ? which all linux distributions will support this tool if it is available for linux
Rails installer is used to get Ruby on Rails up and running on windows. The Linux and Mac version are not yet released. It is a free installation package. It includes everything needed for a full Rails stack(Ruby, Tails, Git, Sqlite, Devkit).
For more information and to download installer for Windows please visit http://railsinstaller.org/en
Ruby on Rails(RoR) or Rails is an open source web application framework for Ruby programming language. Ruby on Rails and Ruby are incomparable. Ruby is just another general purpose programming language.
Rails is a full-stack framework which means that the web developer can gather information from the web server, query the database and render templates that are out of the box.
For more information on RoR please visit http://rubyonrails.org/
As mentioned earlier the linux version is not yet released.