What is really a computer virus?

I want to know specifically what is a virus?
Is there many types of virus and what do you think what would be the best antivirus to be used?

I want to know specifically what is a virus?
Is there many types of virus and what do you think what would be the best antivirus to be used?
A virus is nothing but a program that affect your program by affecting your files and boot sectors and causing damage to your files or getting your personal information like bank account number and password. Sometimes they are as much as harmful that you can’t start your computer.
Now let’s talk about antivirus. Antivirus is another program that help to detect and keep your pc safe from viruses. Now the question is which is the best antivirus?
In this 2011 Kaspersky stands first as it can detect highest as much as 94 % of all viruses though there is no big difference between other antivirus.
A computer virus is a file or program that is not welcomed in your computer with the main purpose of destroying you system. There are many different kind of viruses and below is the list of this viruses:
This is the most basic of all the viruses, but it is expanded to a more different type of viruses. All viruses should be removed and this can be done by installing anti virus software and then keep it up to date to the latest virus definition.
Hello Padricroja,
A computer virus is small program that may reside on your computer with the intention of corrupting files or crushing down the system. Computer viruses are most of the time targeted at crushing various applications and even operating systems, for instance windows operating system is mostly targeted for it is widely used as opposed to Linux which is not affected by viruses for it has few users and it is free.
Viruses can be as result of downloading infected programs on the internet, transferring documents using USB drives and many other ways.
To protect your system against viruses, ensure that you use a strong and updated antivirus.
Lee Hung