What is the reason of this ati2dvag.dll Errors?

Normally the ati2dvag.dll error message will show on a blue display, which appears that it is so urgent that Windows just cannot go on with the present computing session.
Also the accurate details that come out are different from all PC as they are exclusive in their operating system and construct.
Normally this error message is caused by the technique in which Windows requires to utilize it on your system. However it is an element of the ATI driver, which you Computer requires to use to assist it fill all the graphics on your Computer.
 For the reason that the graphics driver is one of the main components of the whole system, any troubles that happen inside it will really cause your Computer to either start again or stop running.
Most of the time the ati2dvag.dll error message will happen when your computer has an older version of the ati2dvag.dll file. What should i do now? Please help.
Error:Â Ati2Dvag.dll error