What is SEO and what is its use?

I want to learn in details about SEO.
I know it stands for search engine optimization.
But what exactly is the concept of optimization?
Where is it used and why is it very popular?

I want to learn in details about SEO.
I know it stands for search engine optimization.
But what exactly is the concept of optimization?
Where is it used and why is it very popular?
Hi Anewman,
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website and their web pages.
SEO target different-different kinds of search including web pages, images, media files, location, local etc.
Search Engine Optimization decides how search engines work, what people search for, search terms, keywords etc. Optimization may also involve editing its web content, HTML, CSS, and code associated with it.
And one more thing is SEO also works for promoting the website.
Thank You.
SEO full form is Search Engine Optimization.
To improve the visibility of a website the method SEO is used. SEO also includes the designing of the website, website menus, different videos and images, contents and other elements that should be optimized so that achieve exposure on search engines. Local search, image search, academic search, new search and different kinds of search SEO can target.
SEOÂ is a powerful web marketing tool which helps search engines find and rank your site in response to search queries.
Anyway for more details visit this link :Â What is SEO and how it can help me?
SEO is the short term for Search Engine Optimization. It is a methodology of strategies, techniques, and tactics used to boost the number of visitors to a website. This is done by getting a high-ranking placement in the SERP or Search Engine Results Page. This includes Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and others.
It is a very common habit for internet users to not click through pages and pages of search results and rely only on the result displayed on the first page. And I am a culprit of this habit.
So, if this is what the majority of the users do, it is very essential to have a higher rank in a search to have a chance to be displayed on the initial page of the search results for directing more traffic toward the site. SEO helps to guarantee that a site is accessible to a search engine and enhances the probability that the site will be found by the search engine.