My anti-virus keeps on detecting a virus every time I plug in a flash drive.
It also pops up when I open my desktop from other folders and when I start my computer. Is this something that I need to be alarmed to or is it just an error from my anti-virus?
                                                                            Thanks, John
Anti Virus keeps on detecting Virus on my Flash Drive
It's the antivirus functionality to pop up and to show the viruses present in the flash drive to other hardware. Your antivirus has been set with this function, so whenever somebody tries to open a external drive it checks and pop up if any virus is detected. If you don't want you antivirus to pop up every time then change the settings.
It's better to keep pop up setting of your antivirus on as it detects the viruses that are there in your computer. It helps you to keep your computer clean. Scanning your computer keeps your computer virus free.
Anti Virus keeps on detecting Virus on my Flash Drive
The problem is your OS is already attacked with malicious objects. That is why when your Windows Explorer tries to open USB flash or memory card, it always shows virus detected. Please reinstall your OS and then install an antivirus without opening your HDD partition (C, D, E, F etc.). Now scan your HDD, it will fix your problem.