Need information about Social Engineering

I heard that the social engineering term might used in infiltration so any one who knows what is social engineering?
Please explain

I heard that the social engineering term might used in infiltration so any one who knows what is social engineering?
Please explain
To describe Social Engineering: It is a means of gathering information about your target using social means. Social engineering works by exploiting bugs & vulnerabilities of the human mind instead of just those of computer systems.
A Social Engineer tries to get the target to divulge as much information about them as possible in order to improve heir chances of guessing the victim's password.
This technique could be used for more than just guessing passwords.
Thanks for the reply So how does one do some social engineering?
Here are some common techniques:
Shoulder Surfing: Shoulder surfing involves finding out the password by actually seeing someone type in it.
For example: You just entered your password in any of your website and a friend of yours stands besides you, actually seen what you typed.
Dumpster Diving: It is literally the act of going through someone's garbage in the hope of learning or finding something. For Example temporary files etc.
Impersonation: we get an example of someone impersonating a school authority to con a student's parent. In a similar manner you may get a call from your bank and they convince you to provide the account password.
Phishing: It is like a fake ID or a fake page of any website which looks like the original one but it's actually fake and ask you to fill your credit card details.
Thanks for this valuable information.Â
One more thing what all we can consider while choosing a password??
That was really a nice question:
Password must be long(at least 8 characters, 12 or more recommended)
Does not dictionary word within password
Is always in mixed case. Contains at least one digit
Contains at least one non alpha numeric character