Hallo WebGurus!
I have been using WordPress for my web development processes for some time now. Once in a while I also carry out custom web building. In WordPress, there are normally options for the long and the short URLs. What software can I use to create a small URL when working outside of WordPress? Thanks.
What software can I use to create small URL?
Hello Gwendolynhunterr
You can use VBS to create small URLs. It automatically fits texts in the right text boxes on
https://tinyurl.com/ and gives form to generate a shortened URL, and it uses the internet explorer. But one other on came up with some other code that uses XMLHTTP and works in the same way just faster with code also much shorter. Here;
Function GetTinyUrl(url As String) As String
Tinyurl API creation link from:
Dim xml As Object
Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
xml.Open "POST", "https://tinyurl.com//api-create.php?url=" & url, False
GetTinyUrl = xml.responsetex
What software can I use to create small URL?
If you are looking for URL shorteners that you can use to shrink URLs or links outside WordPress, I think the popular is Bitly. Aside from shrinking links, you can also use the service to count the number of clicks every link receives. If the link receives many clicks in a month, you will see daily statistics of the link how many times it was clicked per day.
Another link shortener is one from Google called Goo.gl or the Google URL Shortener. It is not included or it doesn’t display among Google products but you can access it directly from this link. To use the Google URL Shortener, you need to have a valid Gmail account. If you are not currently logged in, you need to sign in to your Google account to use the service.