What is ‘Stuffed Toys Alive’?

Stuffed Toys Alive has replaced mechanical parts with strings. Why is it used?
Is it only for softer feeling?
If no, what are the additional activities?

Stuffed Toys Alive has replaced mechanical parts with strings. Why is it used?
Is it only for softer feeling?
If no, what are the additional activities?
Hello Dana,
The Stuffed Toys worked pretty well for Pinocchio. A number of researchers from the Tokyo University of Technology have been on the hand of the emerging technologies recently trying to demonstrate the Stuffed Toys Alice concept. It is a new type of toys that are interactive which takes the place of the rigid plastic toys that are used currently with a simple string pulley based solution.
There are a number of things that have been installed at various points within each of the cuddly limbs that make up the gadget, after which they have been attached to a motor which pulls the strings in order to move the arms while at the same time registering the feedback so that it can be able to respond well to touch.