Asked By
Michele r
30 points
Posted on - 09/13/2012
What is the text area? How does it work? Where does it use? Please tell me about details. Is text area important to web page?
What is the text area?
Usually text area is used to make address input by the web site.
It is just like input box, but this is multiple line text input box.
You can follow above structure.
What is the text area?
Text area, or a text window, is an area on a web page in which one can be type any Text. The Text Area can be stretching horizontally as well as Vertically to put Text on it.
What is the text area?
A text area also called as text window in which text fields that can span several lines. A text area can hold an unlimited number of characters, and the text depicts in a fixed-width font.
Syntax of TEXTAREA is <textarea> ………………..</textarea>Â
<textarea> : It defines a multi-line text input control.
Example of text area: Â
<textarea name="txtarea1">TEXT to be inserted…</textarea>
 <input type="submit">
You can add column and row size in <textarea> tag…..
<textarea name="txtarea1" COLS=50 ROWS=20>TEXT to be inserted…</textarea>
Thank You………..