What is a topaz to monitor web services? Can you explain it to me further what is the use and purpose of this topaz to monitor web services. I just want to know more about the world of web. I want a full information for this. Thank you
What is a topaz to monitor web services?
Hello Richard,
Mercury Topaz Monitor, a software product originally from Mercury Interactive, subsequently renamed Mercury Global Monitor, BAC, and finally BSM after the company was purchased by Hewlett-Packard.
What is a topaz to monitor web services?
Hello Richard,
Topaz is a web monitoring software used by companies which own numerous websites to simplify their work. Topaz triggers alerts to the responsible persons immediately when errors occur in postings and updates in their websites. It helps them to correct or fix them before it becomes a problem to their customers. Stories written by over 150 editors all over the world on world financial markets are monitored by Topaz. I think this gives you an idea about Topaz.
What is a topaz to monitor web services?
One of its versions is Topaz Web-Monitoring Suite 3.0 from Mercury Interactive Corp. This version lets the users pinpoint problems more quickly. This suite offers some new tools like Prism. This tool monitors requests made to a web server and is based on diagnostic technology created by Conduct Software Technologies Inc. It tracks transaction from end to end.
This is different from the conventional trace-route analysis which is usually blocked by firewalls. Topaz Web-Monitoring Suite 3.0 is really intended on a subscription-based that starts at $2,495 a month. But, on the other hand, if you are only interested on its Prism tool, it is also set on a subscription basis that starts at $2,995 a month.