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20 points
Posted on - 03/05/2012
My usual task in computer is browsing internet, using engineering type programs such as mat lab, solid works, ansys, open office etc. Now I want to change my operating system to Linux from windows. What type of features will I get using Linux operating system?
Will I have any difficulties using those programs in Linux?
What type of features will I get using Linux OS 3 requires, at the least, Linux kernel version 2.4, glibc2 version 2.3.2 (OOo 3.3 glibc2 version 2.5 or higher)
It is recommended that you have 512 RAM or at the least 256 MB and 400 MB disk space. You also need X-Server with minimum 1024 x 768 resolution with 256 colors.
For Linux, install GNOME 2.6.
Hope this information helps! Linux is an excellent OS and many things can be done when you use it. Engineering software like the ones you stated are, for the most part, available on Linux.
MatLab requires Linux (32-bit) Version 7.14 or Linux (64-bit) Version 7.14
SolidWorks itself cannot run in Linux but some similar programs are available for your use. You may be interested in checking this link.
Ansys 11.0 can run on Linux and the system requirements are Linux Intel IA-32/RH AS3.0 or Linux Intel IA-64/RH AS3.0 3 requires, at the least, Linux kernel version 2.4, glibc2 version 2.3.2 (OOo 3.3 glibc2 version 2.5 or higher)
it is recommended that you have 512 RAM or at the least 256 MB and 400 MB disk space. You also need X-Server with minimum 1024 x 768 resolution with 256 colors.
Linux: install GNOME 2.6.
Hope this information helps!
What type of features will I get using Linux OS
Matlab can be installed on Linux OS by doing so.
>Before starting matlab you have to mount the cd-rom, e.g: mount -t ISO9960 /dev/hdc /cdrom.
if you're using the student version you just have to the license-number during installation.
You have to try using wine or something like Pro Engineer that run like solidwork and have Linux version. Solidworks runs very well in wine.
Please download/buy ansys that run with linux because ansys usually license with windows platform.
Open source software usually run both Linux and windows based platform.