What is umts for Mac?

Hi! I need a brief explanation of what umts for mac do? What benefits does it offer? Will it require WiFi internet or just plain 3G? Thanks in advance.

Hi! I need a brief explanation of what umts for mac do? What benefits does it offer? Will it require WiFi internet or just plain 3G? Thanks in advance.
Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service (UMTS) is a packet-based transmission of text, 3rd generation (3G) broadband, video, and multimedia, digitized voice speed up to 2mbps. It presents reliable services to phone users and mobile computer, no matter anywhere they are in the world. Once UMTS is totally accessible, computer system and phone users can be continually connected to the Internet anywhere they pass through they will have the similar set of abilities. They have contact with a combination of global wireless and satellite broadcasts.
Best regards,
Heather marie