What is the use of iConvert Scanner?

There are many kinds of scanners – I know. But recently I can see a new name "iConvert Scanner".
What is it? And how does it work?
What is the purpose of using iConvert Scanner?

There are many kinds of scanners – I know. But recently I can see a new name "iConvert Scanner".
What is it? And how does it work?
What is the purpose of using iConvert Scanner?
The iConvert Scanner turns hard copies into digital documents on an iPad.
It works by slotting an iPad into the dock on the top of the device and starting the iConvert app, the documents fed into the feeder slot can be scanned and appear instantly on the iPad’s display and can be saved as JPEG’s in your device’s photo library.
The iConvert can scan documents from 2 to 8.5 inches (5 to 21.6 cm) in width at up to 300 dpi resolution. Once the document has been saved to the iPad's photo library you can email, print or delete it, or even edit it using any image editing apps available.