Hello techyv.com!
I have here a vodafone 3g, now I dropped it accidentally on a concrete flooring in a hotel. About three and half feet from the ground. Anyways my data card on it won't work anymore, and I thought maybe I should by a new one, What is the vodafone 3g data card price in dollars? Preferably a cheaper but with good quality.
What is the vodafone 3g data card price?
Hello! Pattrick, There are 3 Vodafone data cards which are available and these three have different rates. These are:
1. Vodafone  K4505: Rs.4,000
2. Vodafone K3570: Rs.1500
3. Vodafone  K3770: Rs.1550.
So, according to your choice you can get any one of these and if you want to get moredetails then check this website:
I hope you get all your answers.