What is a Winamp Detector?

Winamp detector allows winamp website to know whether it is installed in your system or not. They even added winamp:// link for doing the similar kind of action as other sites like itunes etc. These are not that useful to the user but this will allow winamp to know whether you have installed winamp in your system or not. This is the main usage of this. The advantages of using this is unknown. But you can even uninstall it without any problems to your system it will uninstall without any problems. But make sure you wont install such kind of applications which are useless to you. Rather try using different which helps you.
The Winamp Detector plug-in or known also as Winamp Application Detect is a plug-in for web browsers like Mozilla Firefox and also Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can also find it in the Winamp application itself as a plug-in in the media player. Its main purpose is to detect any installation of the Winamp software in your computer including its version number when providing content and doesn’t collect and or send any other information besides that.
When I first used Winamp, it’s only a simple application which is limited to playing only different music files. But as time goes by, it evolved to becoming a media player which can now play several video files besides playing different music. The plug-in simply let’s websites know if there is a version of Winamp installed on your computer.