What is wrong with adobe encore?

Hello Friends,
I am editing a movie by using Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 and Adobe Encore 2.0, for the past few months. Last night I burnt a movie by using Adobe Encore and it all went fine and then I recognized that I left out a menu. So I edited it today. While burning it seemed to me that it went fine. It was almost done with transcoding the movie and at the end this message appears to me.
I used new DVD, I have reinstalled Adobe Encore, and also I have restarted my computer. But still It gives me the same error after "Ordering Files For Movie". Does anyone have any ideas?
Quad Core Q6600 3.0 GHz
Corsair 750TX
150 GB Raptor X
1 TB Storage Drive
1 TB Backup Drive
1 TB Drive for Windows
HD 3870

Internal software error: .VobulatorTitlePlannerCVOBUPlanner.cpp, line 331