What is wurlitzer icon logic?

Hi Lillian,
Before I could start, I first want you to please visit the following link and make sure you have read enough about the Wurlitzer. It is suppose to be one of the most admired instrument in history as well as the present.
As you have asked me about the Wurlitzer Icon, let me give you a rough idea on the same. What it actually does is, it is a playback device.
Pre recorded music is stored in the device and then it is played on request. The user has to place a coin in the device and it gives the user to choose from a pre defined set of music. Once the music is selected then the device will start playback.
It was a wonderful invention in the late 70’s and 80’s but right now it is nowhere put into use.
The device did not consist of a number of parts; all the parts were stationary and fixed to the device. Once the coin is inserted, the shape and structure of the coin is sensed and then the device is powered on do that the user can select the music, and once the selected track is completed, the device again powers off or I can say it stays on standby. Hats off to this invention
I hope this has helped you a bit. Do let me know if you need anything more.
Bell Keny